Here comes the fun part. Actual making of the thing. Now that I'm thinking, it needs a name. What would be a good name for it? Hmm...
So here are the material needed for the first prototype. Jean and cotton fabric, other salvaged pannel, magnet and a piece of metal, a few types of glues along with printed hinge. Why jean you might ask. Then I will say why not? Ah and the thing about the color of that cotton fabric. It's that color because I couldn't get my hands on darker color ones. I might build another one with matching color.
Salvaging these pannel wasn't that easy but I'd say it was worth it. Everyting here are custom made and trying to make identical ones myself would be hard.
All of the glue that I've worked with hardens when cure so I needed to find other soft curing glue and 3M super 77 works just fine. Sprays on and doesn't make the fabric thicker or harder. In fact the bonded fabric is too soft that I had to think a way to make it stiff. Overall satisfactory.
In the drawings, I made a cutout of a pannel to make clearance between the cover and pencil. To test whether the cutaway depth is enough I temporarily glued some of the pannel together. Without the cutout the pannel parely makes through. Considering the thickness of the fabric and other the cutaway depth sould be sufficient. And I need to search for other material for the final print. Hinge is too bendy.
Now testing whether the pencil stays in place when shook. It does with light holding force on the pannel. With all the pannel in place with magnets will be sufficient enough to hold the pencil in place. If it doesn't, I will think about that later :/
I wanted to make the wrap around fabric for pencil stiffer so I applied epoxy to just test how it ends up. And it works surprisingly well, even more than what I thought it would. Soft enough that it can be deformed but stff enough to stow pencil. One happy man is satisfied :D