Finally the new print has arrived. One on the right side is the new one. The new print is printed with MJF Plastic PA12 with Glass Beads from Shapeways. It provides much stiffer structure so it doesn't bend as much as the first print does.
Pannels are aligned with the fabtic and glued with No.77 spray glue. The trace on the fabric doesn't align with the setup but it’s because I neglected the fabric texture when I first traced it. Later I realized it so I realigned with the fabric orientation in mind.
The inner fabric is also glued on to the pannel, then trimmed to final size. Result looks promising... except the color. Spacing between the cover and pencil holder looks fine, the pannel folds just fine. Edges are soaked with softer glue so that the ends of the fabric doesn't unfurl. Edges are not that clean but can't do any better than this at the moment sadly.
Then the pencil holder is soaked with epoxy to give it a shape.
Final result in low incline orientation.
Everything is put together now. It's working and looks fine except for a few compromises. There are still a lot that needs to be improved. The cover doesn't properly align with the iPad mini due to fabric “arm” length. I could just shorten the length but it will inerfere with the pencil holder. And also the pencil holder doesn't align well with the vertical standing orientation due to its stiffness.
I thought this build will result a final product but I guess it resulted another prototype. It's never easy. I am going to need to find different solution looks like.
Sketch and result side by side. Well, not that bad I guess?